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Colman's End To end
- Pictures
at http://www.flickr.com/photos/andycolman
- First and foremost, Matthew (aged 14 years and 42 days) coped
just fine and I am the proudest Dad on the planet. I was worried
that he would get fatigued after a couple of days but all that
happened is that his appetite went through the roof and his acne
cleared up.
- A ‘Boost’ bar can propel a 14 year old for around 30 miles
without the need for re-fuelling.
- Our official mileage was 926 but that excludes things like
riding round Lockerbie trying to find a chippy and horsing
around on a
mountain bike one evening (Matt only)
Yes, we have recovered. In fact, we’ve already been out
on the bikes since we finished.
- We didn’t have any major problems with knees or nether
Neither of us lost any weight. Although I’d like to think
that my fat to muscle ration has improved quite a bit.
- We took around 250 photos – you can see 58 of them at
www.flickr.com/photos/andycolman. More to follow.
- We stayed in 8 different types of accommodation - Hotel
(twice) , Youth Hostel (twice) , B&B (5 times), Stayed with friends
(once), borrowed a relatives house (once), home (once), tent (once),
caravan (twice)).
- We didn’t have ANY punctures. No, really.
- We used a couple of my old racing bikes as our steeds.
There were fully serviced (by me) beforehand
and nothing fell off
them or
went wrong with them. Only my bike had panniers
– they weighed around 10 kilos.
- Both bikes had 16 gears, 13 of which were largely
- Despite a couple of near misses (both my fault),
we didn’t have any accidents. Matt fell off
once at about
3 mph
but we’re not
counting that.
- Maximum recorded speed was 36 mph although
I’m sure Matt went faster than that on
some of the
- Our best average speed for a day was 12.2
(Day 10 – Whitchurch to Aldridge). We
normally averaged
10 and 11
mph but on day one we were closer to
9 mph.
- Our average mileage for the 15 days was
62 miles per day.
- Our shortest day was 39 miles (Day
15 – Perranporth to Lands End)
- Our longest day was 82 miles (Day
6 – Edinburgh to Lockerbie)
- High spots (altitude wise) were
Drumrochter Summit (1518 ft),
Shap Summit (1400
ft) and Slochd Summit
(1200 ft).
Also a highly commended
for Romsley (near Bromsgrove)
at just under 1000 ft.
- We got rained on on 7 of the
15 days.
- We rode into a head wind on
6 of the 15 days.
- We were in Penzance (10 miles
to go) before we found
a KFC on the
- Around 500 motorists pipped
us and/or suggested that
we got
out of their
f*******g way.
- Yes – I would do another
big tour given the
- Sponsor money is still
coming in but I think
the final
total will
be around £2000.
- If you are umming
and arring about
something similar,
get out
there and
DO IT !!!