CTC - Cycling Tourists Club    CTT - Cycling Time Trials

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Tom Dean, West Midland Road Race Championship 2008
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Royal Sutton Photos - 2008

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Martin Smith's rebuilt collar bone
Nick Head (centre) - Podium Warwick Town Centre Races 08
Tim Ashton  - Stone Wheelers 25 - Sept 08
Makes all the hard work worwhile
Paul Warnock - 24hr mountain bike race
Tim attempts to establish a break
Tim Ashton
Pre race - Concorde road race,  June 11
Pre race - Concorde road race,  June 11
Tim and Paul, Concorde road race, June 11
Tim and Rick, Concorde road race 11 June
Hilly 23 photos - 10th June
Rick Cooper and Nick Head at the Birmingham CC races
Tim Ashton recieves prize at the LMTT
Tim Ashton - Little mountain Time Trial
Tim Ashton - Little mountain Time Trial
Tim Ashton - Little mountain Time Trial
Mick Lee - Little mountain Time Trial
Mick Lee - Little mountain Time Trial
Lloyd at the London Marathon
Bill Jinks. 1923-2008
Paul and Nick back on the bike after their respective surgeries
Frosty morning in Sutton Park - Feb'08
Paul's new hip - Jan 08
Royal Sutton rider - national cyclo cross champs, Sutton Park Jan. 2008